A Letter From Dr. Norcini

To my current and former InSight EyeCare Patients,

Many of you have been asking me over the last few years “When are you going to retire? All my other doctors have already retired, and you are not allowed to do that yet!” My standard response was to have a good laugh and say, “I’ve got 3-4 more years I want to work, although at an easier and lighter schedule, as long as my health holds up”. Unfortunately, my health hasn’t. I’ve recently been diagnosed with bone marrow cancer called Multiple Myeloma, which although not currently curable, is very treatable. In addition to the physical toll, the treatment will be time-consuming and require frequent interruptions to my schedule. With this in mind, I have made the difficult decision to transition my patients’ care to my partner of seven years, Dr. Victoria Glickman.

Many of you have already met her, have been treated by her, or have seen her with me in our office. She is a fantastic doctor, competent, easy-going with a great bedside manner, and treats patients the way I’ve always tried to treat each one of you. We have made an excellent team and Dr. Glickman has brought InSight into the 21st century by keeping everything up to date and utilizing technology in a way that benefits each patient we see. I have been privileged to call her my partner over the years and can honestly say that they have been the most enjoyable of my 42-year career!

I can still see some of you this year before I retire, but we will attempt to transfer many of you to Dr. Glickman as my schedule will be limited and require long wait times. Once you meet Dr. Glickman, I am confident you will come away impressed and quite satisfied with the care and compassion she delivers.

Words fail me when I attempt to express my disappointment in not being able to continue my relationship with so many of you after all these years together. The bonds we have developed over time continue to touch my heart, and I will carry those with me for the rest of my life. I want to truly thank you for the trust, confidence and loyalty you have shown me over the years. Like I said, it means more to me than I can ever express.

With my deepest regards, I will miss all of you immensely.


Donald J. Norcini, O. D.

Dr. Norcini with his long-time patient/friend and twin brother
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